Take the low road | Fitting & Technology
Struggling with heavy, chunked iron shots? Let’s take the low road by shifting your swing’s low point.
Do you have a tendency to hit your irons a little heavy and come up a few yards short of the green? Chances are your low point is occurring before the ball when you actually want it to be after impact, giving you the best possible chance of presenting the club’s entire sweet spot to the ball.
A low point occurring too early also means that you’re contacting the ball with a positive attack angle. Ideally you’re after a negative angle of attack and a downward strike which helps compress the ball sufficiently to carry it the necessary distance.
Positive attack angles with irons may be the result of shafts that are not ideal for your swing nor your clubhead speed. Without knowing it, shafts that are too stiff may be causing you to extend your arms too early which reduces the amount of energy transferred from the club to the ball. Let’s assess your current low point and find the iron specs that shift your low point and your game, forward!
Gaming irons that optimize your low point will revolutionize your approach play!