A game like golf is largely made up of quick movements that are one-sided (you’re either right, or left-handed), making muscle imbalances likely. Strength training is a great way to stay balanced.
The goal of a golf-specific strength training plan is to easily produce driving power and absorb swing force. Not only will this reduce niggles, but it’ll also help you hit the fairway from the tee more often. A great strength exercise to do this is the squat.
Squats will help strengthen your glutes and quads - the most important muscles you need to generate power. Not only will the squat improve your leg strength, it’ll also help stabilize your core, giving you more control and accuracy to reach the green more often.
The squat is one of the many exercises that will improve your controland power to get the distance you need. Book a session with us to strengthen your legs. Send us a message to get started.
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.