With the right strength and stretching plan you can add 24% to your clubhead speed. Stretching statically (standing still) for a cool down is a great way to end your strength session. Remember to get your heart rate up and blood pumping with at least 10 mins of brisk walking, jogging or spinning before you do static stretches. Matt Scott shows in the video below how static stretching is the best way to end your session, while improving your range of motion and power.
The exercises in this video are particularly good for golfers that spend a lot of time sitting at work or in front of a computer. The stretches cover your hip flexors, core, chest, lats, shoulders and neck – all needed for your golf swing.
Static stretches promote muscle relaxation, needed for muscle awareness and a consistent swing. The more your muscles relax, the better surrounding muscles can contract and react when you move. End your strength session with these stretches and you’ll increase your power with every swing.
Stretching and flexibility is as important as power and strength. Don’t neglect it, or your muscles. Start with checking your clubhead speed before and after 8 weeks of consistent strength and stretching training to see if you can get your clubhead speed up by over 24%!
If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.